Actions // Attractions, 2013
The Cardiff Giant! The Falling Man! The Human Autoscooter! The dancing Walrus! Performance art, showmanship, spectacle: a fairground booth on the Hamburg Dom, a changing ensemble of local and international performance artists and groups, a weekly programme in the tradition of the side show, the illusion booth and the carnival. Magic and contemporary dance, wrestling and lecture performance, re-enactmens of classic performances and acts never seen before!
For a month (22 March – 21 April 2013) random people, geheimagentur and special guests presented a performance programme in the Revue der Illusionen - 150 shows in 30 days.
Special guests: goodcopbadcop, Manuel Muerte, Florian Feigl, Augusto Corrieri, Corinna Korth, Lars Schmid, Jörg Thums, Mark Harvey // Alexa Wilson, Otmar Wagner, Joy Harder, Supernase&Co // God’s Entertainment, Jim Osthaarchic and many more.
Eine Koproduktion von geheimagentur, random people und Kampnagel Hamburg.
Gefördert von Kulturbehörde Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Fonds Darstellende Künste.