secret agency

The Bank of Burning Money, the Alibi Agency, the Casino of Tricks, the Assembly of Real and Other Pirates, the Black Bank, Women of the Seven Seas – secret agency produces situations and institutions that appear to be fictional but then nonetheless withstand the test of reality. The performances of secret agency create another reality rather than confirming the old world in critical gestures. They open escape routes from austerity and take you on a trip with the improbability drive. secret agency creates forums for unheard voices and explores the pleasures of future togetherness. secret agency is working anonymously, transdisciplinarily and internationally. It was founded to use artistic means and resources beyond the accumulation of individual fame. secret agency is an independent label, an open collective and a practical exercise in the „art of being many“.

The Most Wanted Works of Art, 2010

Masterpieces – a steal!

The Southern Chinese city of Dafen calls itself a “culture industry model base”. Right now tens of thousands of copy artists are copying European masterpieces. They remain anonymous, work collectively and produce something that is at the same time art and non-art. Just like geheimagentur, only that geheimagentur does not produce paintings but situations, situations that seem fictional but turn out to be real. Thus, as part of THE MOST WANTED WORKS OF ART, branches of the culture industry model base Dafen were set up in Hamburg and Vienna: by invitation from geheimagentur, some of the best copy painters from Dafen came to Hamburg and Vienna, and geheimagentur and Dafen Inc. set out to socialise the means of artistic production together: an exhibition was produced according to wishes of visitors, who after the concluding auction were actually paid for their wishes.