Traumfabrik, 2022
Freiburg dreams. You dream. We dream. Everybody dreams. Everybody dreams - alone. Every night. Countless simultaneous dreams. Most are forgotten or never told. But this time, the dreams will not fall into oblivion, no: they will come true, if only for this film: Traumfabrik. In May 2022, geheimagentur (secret agency) opened the Traumannahmestelle in Freiburg - a place where people could tell them about their dreams: weird dreams, scary dreams, funny dreams, beautiful dreams, pipe dreams, nightmares, old dreams and new dreams, dreams about dreams. Then, secret agency selected some of these dreams and, over 10 days in July 2022, made a film based on them. Some people chose to star in their own dreams, some were portrayed by actors of Theater Freiburg. Dream on!
A film by geheimagentur and Theater Freiburg.
With Clemens Andris, Antonis Antoniadis, Ingo Burghardt, Dorothea Bering, Julia Bösch, Victor Calero, Imelda Cardi, Yael Cremonesi, Juliana de Mello, Sebastian Dufner, Johanna El-Ghussein, Sigurd Emme, Sophia Eppinger, Herbert Feierabend, Christopher Flaskamp, Vera Förschner, Laura Friedmann, Fabio Früh, geheimagentur, Marlene Gfrörer, Roberto Gionfriddo, José Gonzalez, Pia Göser, Michael Hartmann, Leanne Hartner, Bettina Holzinger, Brigitte Hügle, Sonja Jacobi, Judith Jäkel, Alma Kalckreuth, Lorena Kalckreuth, Olivia Kalckreuth, Paul Kalckreuth, Ulrike Kießling, Martin Klein, Johanna Lehnert, Maria Lenz, Leon Meyer, Stefanie Mrachacz, Patrick Mrosinski, Marc Oberle, Anke Ohnmacht-Döling, Margot Olschweski, Laurin Pfau, Angela Ritschel, Klara Schaut, Malika Scheller, Vincent Schlarbaum, Holger Schmidt, Hartmut Stanke, Ylva Stahr, Christiane Stieff, Michael Tesfamariam, Martin Thilo, Vanessa Valk, Klaus Hinrich Voss, Arrius Wagner, Jelena Wilke, Edda Wunstorf
Concept and realisation: secret agency
Camera: secret agency
Drone operator: secret agency, Bastian Kabuth
Underwater camera: Axel Früh
Sound: Raphael Krumm
Edited by: secret agency
Music: Manuel Scuzzo
Graphics: Katja Eichbaum
Production design: secret agency, Ines Dalheimer, Levi David Böhm
Puppetry: Vanessa Valk
Dramaturgy: Tamina Theiß
Visual Effects: Daniel Möhring
Fight choreographie: Graham Smith
Producton Theater Freiburg: Bastian Kabuth
Production secret agency: ehrliche Arbeit - freies Kulturbüro