— The Right to the Seas – International Symposium

hosted by geheimagentur / ITI-Germany / Hamburg Port Hydrarchy /

May 27-28, 11 am – 6 pm, MS STUBNITZ

with Keller Easterling (Extrastatecraft), Ranjit Kandalgaonkar und Anarche Berlin, Marcus Rediker (The Many Headed Hydra), Marco Baravalle and Constance Hockaday.

What is hydrarchy today? How can the concept of the ‘free port’ be reclaimed and reinterpreted? How to invent and perform a new kind of citizenship at sea? How to connect local port-related struggles to transnational networks? How to build hydrarchical alliances between theory, practice and art-based experimentation around the right to the seas? Bringing together local activists, international researchers and artists to discuss these questions, the symposium sets out to be an important element in a longer process of art-based research and port-related activism.


Keller Easterling, author of the book „Extrastatecraft“, Ranjit Kandalgaonkar, artist and researcher from India and the collective Anarche (raft community from Berlin) will talk about infrastructures of the sea.

We are particularly interested in the notion of the free port and its political and economical implications. What can we learn from this in regard to the relation between Hamburg Port and Hamburg as a city? What might follow for the area where we gather – Hamburg Baakenhöft, the last remaining part of old Hamburg port that is in proximity to the city and not yet ‚developed’, the site where in colonial times all ships coming from Africa were moored. Imagine we’d be able to found a new free port right here at Hamburg Baakenhöft, what kind of zone would we want that to be?

11am – 1 pm Research & Questions: Introduction, Lecture – Keller Easterling

1.30 – 3.30 pm Practices & Examples: Presentations by Ranjit Kandalgaonkar and Anarche Berlin

4pm – 6pm Assembly: How to reclaim (the notion of) the Free Port?

plus project presentation by geheimagentur: FREE PORT BAAKENHÖFT August 2017


Marcus Rediker, author of the book „The Many Headed Hydra“, Constance Hockaday, offshore artist from New York, who invented the boatel and learned from the legendary Poppa Neutrino who first crossed the atlantic on a raft made from trash, and Marco Baravalle, artist and activist from Venice and member of Comitato No Grandi Navi, who organise the protest of venetian citizens against the cruise ship industry, will present their thoughts, work and practice.

Together, we hope to find answers to the question what hydrarchy and citizenship at sea might mean today. We’d also like to discuss the practical proposal of geheimagentur to join projects around the world in a program of „Anheuern“ that allows people who work around the rights to the seas to visit each other as couch surfers on waves.

11am – 1 pm Research & Questions:  Lecture – Marcus Rediker

1.30 – 3.30 pm Practices & Examples: Presentations by Marco Baravalle and Constance Hockaday

4pm – 6pm Assembly: What does hydrarchy mean today?


The performance PORTS. Vom Recht auf Meer by geheimagentur shown on MS Stubnitz on May 25th and 26th 6 pm will introduce questions and topics discussed at the Symposium.

The symposium will be held in English.

The symposium is free, please register here.

Tickets for PORTS (performance by geheimagentur, partly in English) – please book here.

The symposium is part of ACCESS POINTS, a program by ITI-Germany and geheimagentur for THEATER DER WELT FESTIVAL 2017.

Full program hereenglish program and registration here.



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