Get Away!, 2010
A Crash-Course in the Theory and Practice of Migration
Have you always dreamt of living somewhere else? Are you only passing through anyways? Have you had enough of Germany? Was your last holiday much too short? Or would you simply like to know how that works: to migrate? Then you’re right at GET AWAY!
For the first time in 2008, the number of people emigrating from Germany was larger than that of people immigrating to Germany. Others however are refused such freedom of movement. It is time then to leave borders behind. From 13 – 19 December 2010 we opened a transnational information centre in the city of Oberhausen, but networked with the whole world, where we offered a unique get-away-service: in a crash-course in the theory and practice of migration, consisting of 5 units, visitors were instructed in the art of migration with the chance to win a one-way ticket.
Documentation of the project and E-learning content of the information centre can be found on the website: